Why Her Emotions DON’T Matter in our D/s Relationship

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In this episode of Dirty Roots X, we talk about why emotions—especially Aggie’s—don’t really matter in our Dominant/Submissive relationship. I know that might sound harsh, but hear me out. Emotions are always changing, and if we were to base our decisions on how Aggie feels at any given moment, our relationship would become chaotic and directionless.

I don’t ignore Aggie’s emotions, but I don’t let them dictate what we do. She might not feel like meditating or working out, but that doesn’t change what’s happening. Her emotional state isn’t a deciding factor because emotions are fleeting—they come and go, often without a clear reason. Catering to them only gives them more power and creates instability. Instead, I focus on what’s important to her in the bigger picture, not just how she feels at any given moment.

When I used to pay more attention to her emotions, things got worse. Aggie was more upset, and our dynamic suffered. But once I stopped letting her emotional state influence my decisions, she felt more confident, and our relationship became stronger. We also touch on how this approach has helped her manage her emotions better—she’s able to catch herself before getting too caught up in them.

This episode is all about why emotions shouldn’t be the guiding force in a D/s dynamic and how ignoring fleeting feelings can actually strengthen the bond between a dominant and submissive.




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